Relevant manuscripts

Summary details are provided under this heading about extant manuscripts related to given CFEO first editions. Such information includes the location of each manuscript (using the abbreviations listed under Library and other sigla) and, where relevant, its shelfmark in the holding institution.

It must be emphasised that the information under this rubric does not necessarily encompass all manuscript material for a given work, only that which directly pertains to the CFEO sources. Thus, for the Polonaise-Fantasy Op. 61, the entry under this heading reads: ‘Autograph, serving as Stichvorlage to F: private collection, France (edited in facsimile by Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, 1986). Autograph, serving as Stichvorlage to G: PL-Wn: Mus. 233.’ In fact, a good deal more manuscript material exists for this work, notably some nine sketch pages which are not cited in CFEO because they have no direct relation to any of the published first editions reproduced in the online resource. Nor is reference made here to the scores bearing autograph and non-autograph glosses that were used by Chopin’s students and/or assembled by others before and after his death in 1849. See Chomiński and Turło 1990 and Kobylańska 1977 and 1979 for further information about the manuscripts for Chopin’s works.